Boston Bar Association (BBA) Virtual CLE: Taxation of Cryptocurrency: IRS Guidance, State and Local Tax Approaches, and Enforcement Trends: Elizabeth Smith, tax counsel, is panelist during this BBA webinar. This webinar will provide an introduction to tax issues related to cryptocurrency. The presentation will begin with an overview of the taxonomy relevant to digital
Tax Controversy Team
Upcoming & Noteworthy Tax Controversy Events
2nd Annual IFA USA Winter International Tax Conference: Kat Gregor is a speaker during the session “LB&I Hot Topics in Tax Controversy” on December 8.
New England SALT Forum: Ropes & Gray is a proud sponsor of the virtual New England SALT Forum, held on November 16-November 18. Kat Gregor, tax partner and…
Senate Democrats Release International Tax Discussion Draft Bill
Senate Finance Committee Democrats unveiled a “discussion” draft bill that would implement certain international tax proposals included in the Biden Administration’s Made in America Tax Plan and generally follows the Senate framework for international tax reform proposed on April 5, 2021. Among other key proposals, the discussion draft revamps the U.S. subpart F rules and…
Upcoming & Noteworthy Tax Controversy Events
Upcoming & Noteworthy Tax Controversy Events
Please Join Us! ABA Virtual 21st Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference: Kat Gregor is co-chair of the ABA’s Virtual 21st Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference, taking place March 22-25, 2021. The conference will focus on practical tax practice trends for multinational corporations and their international advisors as well…
Upcoming & Noteworthy Events
Please Join Us! ABA/IBA/IFA Virtual 22nd Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference: Kat Gregor is co-chair of the ABA/IBA/IFA’s Virtual 22nd Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference, taking place March 28-April 1, 2022. The conference will focus on practical tax practice trends for multinational corporations and their international advisors as…
Upcoming & Noteworthy Tax Controversy Events
New England SALT Forum: Ropes & Gray is a sponsor of the 2020 Virtual New England State and Local Tax Forum on November 17-19.
“Apparent Transparency–BEPS Actions 12 & 13,” TEI Annual Conference: On October 27, Kat Gregor was a co-panelist on “Apparent Transparency–BEPS Actions 12 & 13” during the 75th Annual Virtual…
Noteworthy Tax Controversy Events
- International Tax Review: Leading Women in Tax Forum: Ropes & Gray is a sponsor of the ITR: Leading Women in Tax Forum on March 3 in New York, New York. Tax partner and tax controversy group co-founder Kat Gregor will speak on a panel on “Use of Dispute Resolution to Resolve Large, Complicated Corporate
Noteworthy Tax Controversy Events
- Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation Annual Tax Policy Conference: Tax partner and tax controversy group co-founder Kat Gregor spoke on a panel on “Rapid Fire Litigation Trends” on October 30 in Boston. Topics included the impact of recent state manufacturing cases, sales and use tax cases, corporate taxation cases and procedural cases.
- IBA Conference: The New
Are California’s Economic Sourcing Rules The Next Wayfair?
Move over, South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc. During the long debate over the U.S. Supreme Court’s physical presence standard for state sales taxes, a quiet revolution in state corporate income taxes has been taking place — the shift to market-based sourcing for services income. By the early 2000s, only a smattering of states had…